A healthy, but sweet snack


Project Resolution

I love sweet things, but sweet things do not love me. Well, they do, but they love my sides and my thighs. To me, that’s a bit of an issue. I cut off all sweets for a while, but once Aunt Flow came to visit…I needed some chocolate or something sweet.

Luckily for me, my mother is in Weight Watchers, and one of the recipes she has brought home from her meetings is just delightful. It’s a desert, obviously, but a light and airy one that is quite filling.

I give you… Crunchy Reese’s Whip.

Three ingreients:

Multi-Grain Peanut Butter Cheerios

Mini Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Cool Whip


Looks pretty delicious, huh? Give it a try!

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